From: Active Transportation Alliance <>Sent: February 02, 2012 4:54 PMTo: aquarianm@gmail.comSubject: TAKE ACTION: stop cuts to transit, walking and biking - contact congress today!
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| | Call your U.S. Representative NOW – oppose legislation that would end dedicated funding for transit, walking and bikingProposed legislation in the U.S. House would eliminate billions in dedicated federal funding for transit, walking and biking projects and safety programs. | | Dear [member_name_first], The leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives have introduced transportation legislation that would eliminate dedicated funding for transit, walking and biking but retain guaranteed money for roads. In short, they have declared war on biking, walking and transit. Call and email your Representative NOW and ask them to preserve critical funding for transit, walking and biking by voting against the proposed transportation bill H.R. 3864. The bill would undermine three decades of successful investments in public transit – originally started under President Ronald Reagan -- by ending the dedicated funding for public transportation that helps states and local communities advance critical transportation projects. If approved, the bill would leave our crash-strapped transit system even worse off, with fare increases more likely and crumbling transit infrastructure more neglected. The bill also completely cuts the two largest programs that fund biking and walking – Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School. Federal transit funding is already inadequate, and only 1.6 percent of federal transportation funding is dedicated to walking and biking. Congress should not cut what little dedicated funding we currently have. Take Action Now! Tell your representative to vote against H.R. 3864. Please also support our fight for better walking, biking and transit by donating today to Active Transportation Alliance. Thank you. | |
9 W Hubbard St. Suite 402 | Chicago, IL 60654-6545 US |
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