| TOP STORY Bicycle Insurance Program Ends 7/4/2013 BWC Is In Talks With Insurance Underwriters. Help Us Find a New Underwriter (Be Our GPS) by Taking Our Survey. In July of 2012, Better World Club began an innovative venture into insuring cyclists with a pilot insurance program. This program has underwriters like any insurance program. It was provided to our members with Bicycle Roadside Assistance for free. The one year anniversary is coming up and we are sorry to announce that the underwriter does not wish to renew the policy. We know that having BWC offer coverage is desirable to many of our cycling members. Better World Club is in talks with underwriters to make changes and maybe move into a direction better suiting the needs of our members. For example, we know that many members want us to offer property insurance. Read more and give us your thoughts by filling out this one minute survey. Read More. | Bike to Work Week May 13-17 Video Contest: Bike Bag and BWC Bicycle Membership to 1st Prize Winner We know you really want the BWC Membership but we'll give you the bag, too.  National Bike to Work Week is May 13-17, and for those who just getting their feet wet, Bike to Work Day is May 17th. For a peek at what is happening for D.C.'s Bike To Work Day, or to find out what is going on in your area, Click Here Bike To Work Day Video Contest! Yes, we want to celebrate, and to do so, we are partnering with Po Campo for a Video Contest! Po Campo, the designers of versatile, chic and urban hand/messenger bags that easily attach to bikes ( watch here), would like to partner with us to give away some Po Campo gear. We are waving our arms like a frantic cheerleader when we say, " Video Contest!" First prize wins a versatile bike bag with a free year of bicycle roadside assistance. Runner-ups will receive a free year of bicycle roadside assistance and a coupon to save on a Po Campo bag. Everyone who submits a video will receive a personal thank you message from Carmalita. How do you play along with this " Video Contest?" Click Here for full details. (Click on Carmalita to read her message.) Full Details | | AAA WATCH Strange Bedfellows: AAA and the League of American Bicyclists And here we thought Israelis and Palestinians would get along first. We all drank our Champagne to celebrate trying again. We've lamented and maybe cried on the shoulders of a friend or two (thousand), but like any kid who's been kicked in the back (or as was reported last month, "Jerry Browned"), we are hoping for a cathartic celebration as California's 3 foot law returns for a third consideration. What is different about round three? Read More.  | | WASHINGTON WATCH Pretty Please: U.S. DOT Asks Carmakers to Limit Onboard Distractions New study shows "texting while biking" to be WORST IDEA EVER. Distracted driving is becoming more and more of a problem as mobile technology gives us more and more to do while on the road. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has made this his signature issue, and rightfully so. You are significantly more likely to be in an accident when distracted by food, talking, texting, grooming, adjusting the radio (or TV), and now using touch screens... Read More.  | | | On Being a A Progressive, People-Centered Auto Mechanic Dwyer's shop is proof you can be more successful swimming against the current. In today's "buyers beware" business environment, it can seem like upselling random services is the only way to prosper. But one of our new partner companies, Tom Dwyer Automotive Services, has become a 32-year success story by building on the Progressive values of integrity, fairness, openness, and respect. And, in an industry known for its short-term, profit-at-all-costs thinking, they wear those values proudly. Tom Dwyer, owner of the shop, told us how he's built his business on the Progressive values his clients care about. Read More | Remember Mother's Day!! Organic Bouquets Treat Mom to chemical-free roses! Mother Earth will love you too! Login (well before 5/12) to your member discount page and scroll down to the bottom. BWC members get 10% off Organic Bouquet. Member Login. | | | | TIPS: HOW NOT TO GET HIT ON YOUR BIKE Want to avoid the Right Hook, the Door Prize, or the Red Light of Death? Yes. If you're new or in need of a reminder, it is important for you to know the rules of the road. Just like learning to drive in a new country, as a cyclist, you need to know where to ride, when and how to turn, and who has the right of way? Ask for resources at a local shop, search online for a class with a bicycle advocacy group, and check out your states bicycle laws. Here are some basics to get you started in the right direction: 1. Follow the law. Traffic laws cannot protect you if you do not abide by them. Obey traffic signals and stop signs. Follow the flow of traffic. Ride in the rightmost lane. Pass on the left of vehicles, and for the love of Pete, use turn signals! 2. Be predictable. No dodging or weaving between cars. Treat the road as a road, and drive strait... Read More | | CAR TIPS Top 10 Signs You Should Pull Over Immediately Are You getting your full 8 hours of sleep...behind the wheel? By Tom and Ray Magliozzi, Car Talk Cars are so reliable these days; it's easy to forget that you can still have an emergency. Here's our Top 10 list of the things that should cause you to pull your car over immediately. (We know, this was supposed to be only 10 reasons to pull over immediately, but we thought of a few more. So sue us!) 12. Losing Something 'Essential'. We're sure this has happened to you... Read More. | | IN THE NEWS Tax Day Comes and Goes, But Not For Some Corporations Mitch Rofsky, To The Microphone! In an article by John Michaelson in the Murfreesboro Post, Michaelson says, the loopholes that allow for the hiding of income need to be closed. Many businesses and groups, including the American Sustainable Business Council are in full agreement. Read More.  | | | PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS Voting With Dollars: Study Shows Conservatives Sess Likely to Buy Eco-Friendly Products Labeled as "Only Safe for Progressives, Leftists, and Hippies." According to a new set of studies, the more politically conservative a person is, the less likely they are to purchase products advertised as environmentally friendly. The studies from the business schools at the University of Pennsylvania and Duke University sought to determine how political ideology affected a person's choice to buy energy-efficient products in the United States. Read more | Renting Your Car Out to Others Takes 14 Vehicles Off the Road Also removed are 1037 empty CD cases. By Eric Rogell Conventional wisdom says leaving your car in your garage or office parking lot all day saves fuel, lessens pollution and helps the environment. Andre Haddad, disagrees. The CEO of RelayRides, a peer-to-peer car sharing service that lets you become a one-person mini Hertz, says by leaving your car sitting idle all those hours-instead of renting it out to people who need it-you are actually hurting the environment. How can that be possible? Read more | | | | Have a comment, rant, or suggestion? Email us! | | | | | |
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