From: "Ken Kozora, Ecology Center's EcoRide Organizer" <>
Date: Jun 8, 2013 9:20 AM
Subject: Pop-up EcoArt galleries planned for June 23 EcoRide
To: <>
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EcoArt comes to EcoRide with pop-up galleries
Hi Daniel,
Biking is fun. Art is fun. You get to enjoy both this year at EcoRide!
We've added pop-up EcoArt galleries at some of our tour stops this year that feature artists whose work represent sustainable themes.
Engaging in the arts contribute to balanced, healthy living whether you are enjoying the works of others or creating it yourself. Check out these EcoRide artists who share your enthusiasm for biking, recycling and healthy, sustainable communities.
Cre Fuller. One of his funky robots won Recyle Ann Arbor's recycled art contest this year.
Mary Underwood demonstrates handwoven textiles and handspun yarns and is a longtime force in the biking community throughout the state.
Allida, Join this creative t-shirt recycler at Riverside Park after the ride and create your own recycled t-shirt bracelet. Check out the video on how to do it!
Tess and her Tetrahelix Trellises are a gardener's delight.
Register now and don't miss out on all the art, biking and fun! Riders who register by June 21 can pick up a free pair of Maggie's Organics socks at check in on ride morning!
Go here:
- Click "Registration" or "Create a Fundracer"
- You'll then be prompted to create your own personalized EcoRide avatar. Don't forget to add a message about why you support the Ecology Center, and upload a photo!
- Then go back here ( and click "Choose your Route" in the upper left corner
- Tell your friends about your fundracer using the easy-to-use email, Facebook and Twitter option
Thanks for all you do,
Ecology Center's

The Ecology Center works for a safe and healthy environment where people live, work, and play.
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