July has arrived -- which for many biking fans means the Tour de France. Here at PeopleForBikes, we're heating things up with another kind of competition, and you don't need to be a world-class rider to participate. The contest: Which state can collect the most new PeopleForBikes supporters this month?
With a little push from you, Illinois can outsprint all the other states and dominate the monthly rankings of new PeopleForBikes members -- helping us reach our national target of one million united bicyclists. Know three people in your state who ride? Great! Share PeopleForBikes with them now. It's as simple as clicking the buttons below to reach out on Facebook, on Twitter, or by email.
    How will Illinois stack up in July's final tally of new PFB members? That's up to you. We'll reveal the leading states next week, and you can help put your home state on the route to victory.
With 24,109 bicyclists in Illinois already behind you, we're well on our way toward transforming bicycling in the U.S.
Forty-seven percent of Americans would like to see more bike paths, lanes, and trails in their communities. In our six Green Lane Project cities, and in communities across the country, we're delivering on what we all want -- bicycling that is safer and more convenient -- through direct advocacy, legislative action, and cash investments. Getting more people for bikes helps our cause and puts our goals squarely in sight. Know a neighbor, friend, or coworker who bikes? Get them to join and be a part of the movement fighting for a better ride for all.
Thanks, and stay tuned for the next stage. Tim Blumenthal, President, PeopleForBikes.org  |
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