| Kicking Asphalt August 2013 TOP STORY: Better World Club Announces that It Doesn't Offer Auto/Homeowners Insurance in Nation's Smallest State, Wyoming Which Means We Offer Property & Casualty Insurance in Every Other State! We're working on you guys, Wyoming. Better World Club offers insurance in 49 States now! Many of you have been waiting for this moment. The moment has arrived (Wyoming members - please be patient). This news is almost as exciting as the first rays of summer sunshine here in the Northwest. Also, you can look forward to a new website design in the coming months! For now, if you are looking for car insurance quote, fill out our existing online quote form. Contact Us. | | | AAA WATCH AAA = NRA? That's the Reaction on Twitter Regarding AAA's Attitude toward New York State Traffic Laws First, our t hanks to Eric McClure (who's Twitter handle is @EricMcCluireBK) for our headline. Eric is responding to New York AAA's response to innovation in transportation and safety measures: "No!" What does AAA believe is a bad idea for New York City? Read More.  | WASHINGTON WATCH President Obama expected to make a critical decision on Keystone XL in coming months BWC offers free carbon offsets to KA subscribers carpooling to protests President Obama is expected to make a decision regarding his support or rejection of the pipeline project by the end of this year. In recent months, rhetoric coming from the White House has shown recognition that the XL Pipeline will not add jobs in the long term and may have a significant impact on continued expansion of global CO2 emissions. Most important is President Obama's open recognition that something has to be done about climate change now. This is a change from the "like-it-or-not" feeling environmental groups have had over the last couple years and has both proponents and opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline planning rallies, tailgate parties, and plenty of protests to pull our pragmatic president to one side of the fence or the other. Read More | | Member Alert BWC Endorses Ethanol in Last Kicking Asphalt Some Members say "Ethanol? Really?" OK, let's be clearer-Not all ethanol is the same and we want it to get past feedstock to algae, switch grass, etc. Better World Club received great feedback from some of our members after our last newsletter regarding our support for Ethanol, so we wanted to clarify our position. Better World Club wants to enthusiastically support alternative fuels, but this is not blanket support for everything alternative. We do support the ethanol industry as an alternative fuel but not all production methods of ethanol. We do not support the ecologically destructive production practices of mass feedstock corn ethanol. It would be far better to derive biofuels from biomass, from waste feedstocks or high-yielding bioenergy crops with low nitrogen demand. These alternatives exist and are part of the ethanol industry mix we purchase at our pumps today. If it were possible to financially support only those ethanol production methods that are viable, growing, and can be produced without being as bad or worse than fossil fuel production - food waste and switch grass ethanol for example - we would encourage it. For now... Read More  | | Member Alert: BACK TO SCHOOL BWC Partner, Guided Products, Offers 30% Off Recycled, American-Made School and Office Supplies Or You Can Purchase Non-Environmental, Foreign-Made Products With a 50% Surcharge! Just make the check out to Better World Club! Now, though September 5th, Guided Products is offering 30% OFF notebooks, folders, and binders. Guided Products is a Seattle, WA based company with a strong dedication to social and environmental responsibility - which includes all their products being made here in the United States. Like BWC, Guided Products believes positive change is possible though socially responsible market options. As you and your kids start the school year, strive to eat better, ride your bikes, and wear sunscreen. And shop your values. It's worth it. 30% OFF! Share KA With a Friend | | TRAVEL SITE OF THE MONTH Adventure Cycling Going on a bike adventure? Don't forget to take us with you. No, really. Call me. Adventure Cycling is dedicated to inspiring people of all ages to travel by bicycle. With more than 40,000 members, Adventure Cycling helps cyclists explore the landscapes and history of America for fitness, fun, and self-discovery. Whether you are looking for routes or maps to create your own trip or participate in one of 70 guided tours, Adventure Cycling will support and inspire your love of cycling. Many cyclists who have put their pedals to the pavement through Adventure Cycling have also signed up for Better World Club's bicycle roadside assistance. So if you are a bike hobbyist, or if you are interested in your first adventure, check out Adventure Cycling. Oh, and visit their headquarters in Missoula, MT if you're passing through. They encourage it! See More  | | | PARTNER NEWS U.S. National Park Service Teddy Roosevelt loved these lands. You will too, so get a pass, and go explore!  The National Park Service has been entrusted with the preservation of America's national parks since 1916, and safeguards those very special places for the enjoyment of over 275 million visitors each year. The Parks Service also assists tribes, local governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individual citizens in revitalizing their communities, preserving local history, celebrating local heritage, and creating close to home opportunities for kids and families to get outside, be active, and have fun. In partnership with the National Parks Service, Better World Club proudly offers National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Passes for sale to our members. Members who purchase Parks Passes through Better World Club pay the same as they would were they to purchase through any other outlet, but receive a free carbon offset for each pass they buy. Enjoy our national parks while also helping to preserve them for the enjoyment of future generations. Log in to the member section of the Better World Club website to find out how to get your pass(es) now! Log In.  | | | | BWC IN THE NEWS GreenAutoBlog.Com Declares BWC Greener than AAA BWC President Mitch Rofsky blushes green. When we mention the American Automobile Association (AAA) on ABG, we usually are passing along some bit of data that the auto club has calculated. In April, for example, the AAA said that driving costs had gone up 1.9 cents per mile in the last year. The AAA also provides a lot of gas price statistics. But what we haven't really talked about is the AAA's less-than-stellar environmental performance. The Better World Club... Read More.  | CONSTEST WINNER SPOTLIGHT Contest Winner Spotlight: Yeah, We're Late, but We Are Still Excited!! Our second Winner from our Bike to Work contest is Jan Groh. Jan is a BWC Member, a bike enthusiast, and a wonderful individual who suffers from and advocates for individuals who struggle with Hypermobile Ehler-Danlos Syndrome. To learn more about EDS or donate to the Oregon support chapter, go to http://oreds.org. Clearly, Jan's video is a shameless plug for how great the Better World Club is (clearly being tongue-in-cheek, for those who don't read between-the-teeth). For valor in the face of physical adversity and for remaining true to her values even when it hurts, the "Grand Poo-bah", "Grade-A Environmentalist" Prize for Bike to Work and Bike for Life goes to Jan Groh! (No added pressure Jan, but we think it is time for Iron Man - or "Iron Jan", smile.) Read More and Check Out Jan's Video. Share K.A. With Your Friends  | | | | Have a comment, rant, or suggestion? Email us! | | | |
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