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From: "Jeff Miller, Alliance for Biking & Walking" <
Date: Dec 12, 2013 11:10 AM
Subject: Just a little help can improve biking and walking big time.
To: <
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Dear Daniel,  Have you heard how a local advocate won new biking and walking trails in Rome, Georgia? Julie Smith of Trails for Recreation and Economic Development of Rome/Floyd County received a scholarship to attend an Alliance for Biking & Walking Winning Campaigns Training in Georgia. She had one goal: build new trails to connect key destinations in the county. At the Training, Julie developed a campaign to get funding onto a local ballot. Back at home, she worked to mobilize support for new trails funding-and ultimately won $1.8 million for her project. It's amazing what passionate advocates can do with a little bit of help. We're seeing similar results all across North America: thanks to advocates' hard work and your support, more and more communities are becoming better and safer for biking and walking. At the Alliance, we work to support state and local biking and walking advocates throughout North America. Through special trainings and coaching, we give advocates the support they need to win better biking and walking. Please show your support today for better biking and walking at the state and local level with a tax-deductible investment in the Alliance. Donate at the $250 level to receive a free, hot-off-the-presses copy of the 2014 Benchmarking Report. Passionate advocates improve our streets with facilities like protected bike lanes, wider sidewalks, convenient crosswalks, and great connecting trails. The Alliance helps these local advocates get the resources they need with: - Our biennial Benchmarking Report on biking and walking in the United States;
- A Leadership Retreat that provides a unique opportunity for advocates around the country to exchange ideas in person;
- Shared expertise in our Mutual Aid Calls and Winning Campaigns Trainings that showcase most effective ways to improve our communities; and
- Advocacy Advance Grants to help local organizations launch campaigns to win or save biking and walking funding. These grants generate $1,230 for every $1 granted!
But we can't do it without your help. Please make your donation today to help us empower bicycle and pedestrian advocacy leaders in 2014. Sincerely, Jeffrey Miller President/CEO Alliance for Biking & Walking P.S. We can improve biking and walking all across North America - we just need to give passionate local advocates a little help. Show your support for the Alliance for Biking & Walking today. When you donate at the $250 level or above, you'll be among the first people to receive a copy of our 2014 Benchmarking Report, which showcases the latest data on biking and walking across the United States. | | | | | |
Alliance for Biking & Walking | PO Box 65150 | Washington | DC | 20035 |
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