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From: "Better World Club" <
Date: Feb 26, 2014 11:03 AM
Subject: Kicking Asphalt February 2014
To: "Dan Stafford" <
| February 2014 TOP STORY: BWC Recycled, Refurbished, and Revamped our Website: 20% Off New Members Celebration. Celebrate our new fancy new site launch with 20% off new memberships: FDAY2014 Suffering nostalgia over the old site? Don't worry, you can still find the old pages by contacting the NSA. Happy Website Day!!! We launched the new version of our website on February 1, 2014. Over the course of the month, we have been making minor changes and adding content. You may notice significantly fewer pages than our previous website. Some of the content was out of date, and some of the resource pages are still being redesigned and content updated or removed, but the bulk of who we are and why we are such a great auto club is up and ready for you to use and share with your friends. To celebrate the launch of our new site, New Memberships are 20% Off through March 31, 2014! Share the Code FDAY2014. Note: For folks renewing in February and March, remember your principles of fairness from Kindergarten. We want to show equal value the other months in class, so we can't give you an extra treat. Other site news... Find Out More  | | | Positive News Tesla finishes coast to coast charging network Texans still reporting sporadic range anxiety.  Tesla Motors announced the completion of their coast-to-coast charging network which allows Tesla Model-S owners drive to and from most major cities and all the way across the United States. Charging stations take about 30 min and are intentionally located near major highway interchanges, close to restaurants, cafes or shopping. Read More | | | Washington Watch New Bill would improve funding for Bike/Pedestrian projects through TIFIA 1% dedication might not sound like much, but it would mean millions of dollars for Bike and Pedestrian projects all across the United States. Republican and Decomcratic cyclists cheer. Tea Party members sit in their cars in silence. This Bill was introduced by Sen. Albino Sires to help better fund safety and transportation infrastructure for Biking, Pedestrians, and for Americans facing economic hardship. The bi-partisan backed announcement came after President Obama's State of the Union Address and withholds 1% of TIFIA funds for bike and pedestrian infrastructure loans. 25% of those funds will be reserved for low-income communities. Read More.  | AAA Watch AAA Hates Bike Lanes! Hmm...Perhaps "Hate" is too strong... How about "AAA Feels Bullied By Bike Lanes" AAA: It's just not fair! Bike lanes should be wider, and cars should be allowed to use them! In January, AAA pushed back agains Los Angeles bike lane and economic development plan, MyFigueroa. MyFigueroa is a plan supported by Council District 9 as well as the Mayor's Office as a "signature project" to bring cycletracks, pedestrian improvements and a "road diet" to South Figueroa Street between Downtown Los Angeles and South Park near USC. Read More.  | | | Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Eight Year Old Micah is Mining Mica in India for Your Makup Conscientious consumers who think they need makeup struggle to look their children in their unpainted eyes. Many turn to Curella De vil for advice. Child labour in India's mica mining industry has been a problem for years. Unfortunately, the industry supply chain is shrouded more heavily than the face of a worried woman under a dozen layers of foundation, primer, and concealer. Recently, Fairfax Media in Australia investigated the industry and sent repeated inquiries about product sourcing to major companies such as the Estee Lauder Companies, Heritage Brands, and L'Oreal Group. These three conglomerates own most of the make-up companies you know. Read More.  | | Travel Site Of The Month Community Made Maps Across the World: Openstreetmap.org From Boston to Bangladesh, Home Grown Geo-Drivers Have Mapped the Globe  Openstreetmap.org is a Collaborative project using community sourced data to create a map of the world. Think Google maps meets Wikipedia. This map is edited, corrected, and maintained by people like you. While map data varies around the world, Openstreetmap.org is compared favorably to proprietary (privately owned and protected) data sources. If you are a map enthusiast, you must check this out. For more information about openstreemap.org, see their Wiki page. OpenStreetmap.org | | Not a Member of Better World Club? BWC's Member Discounts More Than Pay for a Membership! Our discounts can more than pay for your membership. BWC members save money through hotel, car rental, travel, or other discounts. Join Better World Club now and get in on the savings! Join from our newsletterand we'll take 10% Off your new Better World membership. And Remember to Tell a friend about BWC! | | | | Have a comment, rant, or suggestion? Email us! | | | |
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