| May 2014 TOP STORY: Better World Club Celebrates CO-Sponsoring The Naked Bike Ride With Our First Digital Short. Share on Facebook and twitter and receive 500 Good Car-Ma Points!! (Use the Hashtag #betterworldclub when you share.) That's right. We are not above buying your love. Share our video using the hashtag #betterworldclub (enter the hashtag into the message box) and receive 500 Good Car-Ma Points (redeemable for membership discounts, movie tickets, and national park passes). Why focus on the Naked Bike Ride?
Once a year, thousands of men and women take to their bikes and "buff" up the streets of Portland (and elsewhere) to raise awareness of bicycling, body awareness, and to protest our transportation reliance on fossil fuels.
And since Better World Club is the only nationwide bicycle roadside assistance provider, we decided to spotlight this. And, to raise awareness of BWC—which means clicks, of course. (Of course, we hired a director who took off the guy's clothes! Guess we won't be maximizing those clicks.)
So help us out! Share our video using the hashtag #betterworldclub and receive 500 Good Car-Ma Points (redeemable for membership discounts, movie tickets, and national park passes). Find Out More | | | Member Alert 20% OFF Soapnutlady.com Detergent and chemical soap alternative  Finding winning lottery numbers by reading tea leaves is hard. Finding effective alternatives for household cleaners is not. Soap Nuts are an effective green alternative to the chemically laden detergents, household cleaners, shampoos and soaps found in most homes. And the SoapNutLady is a great merchant to buy them from. Better World Club members receive 20% off on line purchases from SoapNutLady.com. Enter the coupon code: SoapNutLadyClean1953. Website  | | | Washington Watch EPA's McCarthy slams the agency's anti-science critics Social science studies warn: loud, angry (anti-science) voices gain traction in public sentiment. Science reasoning must be defended loudly and passionately as well. This report was broadcast calmly on Public Radio.  At this year's National Academy of Sciences' (NAS) annual meeting on Monday, April 28, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy had some poignant words for anti-science Senators, climate deniers, and for the public who have been encouraged by some to question the validity of the EPA's research reporting.
"With science as our North Star, EPA has steered America away from health risks and toward healthier communities and a higher overall quality of life," McCarthy said. "That's why it's worrisome that our science seems to be under constant assault by a small - but vocal - group of critics." Read More. | AAA Watch Auto Clubs Agree: Smart Phones are a Driving Distraction. Better World Club is taking a Pro-life position: No unprotected Texts!! New study shows the best drivers still pull over to ask their phones for directions.  Last summer, AAA assisted experts from the University of Utah in an in-depth analysis of cognitive distractions for drivers. Last month, they echoed the results of that research as they expressed concerns about the proliferation of hands-free applications for drivers to engage - specifically expressing concerns about Apple's Car Play. Read More. | | You Missed Mother's Day!? Better World Club Members Save 10% on Organic Bouquets. Call your Mother. Did you forget Mother's Day? Before you spend some phone, face, or video chat time with your Mom, think about spending some of your disposable income on her happiness. She spent way more than that when you were a child - feeding and burping you, changing your diaper and buying you things when she couldn't afford to. Why did she do it? Because she loves you (and because sometimes the fight over "No" doesn't seem worth it effort). Show your mother that she did a pretty darn good job pointing you in the right direction (even if you forgot her day of appreciation). Buy her Organic Flowers.
AND save 10% from being a Better World Club member. Login to take advantage of this offer. We'd say finding a good deal will make her proud, but we don't want to stereotype. That one you can be happy about for yourself. Thank you every day to all of you wonderful mothers. The rest of you? Show some respect. Login to Member Discounts. | | Travel Tips: Visiting National Parks Seven Principles of Leave No Trace! Be selfish with ice-cream and bath time. Leave that behavior behind at our state and national parks.  In looking at national parks to visit this summer, I was reminded by Baxter State Park in Maine about the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace. Beauty, adventure, discovery, challenge, relaxation, inspiration, connection, and solitude are all reasons we seek out our state and national parks. These qualities only persist; however, if you practice and pass on Leave No Trace ethics.
1. Plan Ahead and Prepare, 2. Dispose of Waste Properly, 3. Leave What You Find, 4. Minimize Campfire Impacts, 5. Respect Wildlife, 6. Be Considerate of Other Visitors, 7. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
Share the full article with your friends, and refresh your commitment to them. You are the most important steward of our parks! Read More. | | Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Mother's diet at time of conception can permanently influence baby's DNA "You are what you eat." is an old adage. Apparently "You create what you eat." is equally true. By Katherine Martinko (@feistyredhair)
We've all heard how important it is to eat well during pregnancy. Growing a baby is hard and risky work, and the better a mother eats, the healthier her child will be. But have you ever thought about the importance of maternal diet right at the time of conception? Read More. | | L. International: Socially (and Globally) Responsible Market Now Using Condoms Alas, Big Business still isn't protecting itself (or you) from viral crashes in the market. But you can help others prevent the spread of STD's every time you [insert taboo].  By Holly Richmond
At this point, it's hard to keep track of all the vegan, eco-friendly condoms. Sir Richard's makes vegan sausage sheaths and donates one to a developing country when you buy one. Sustain Condoms are fair trade and nontoxic, if slightly insulting (uh, not all women are afraid to purchase prophylactics). And of course there's Glyde, the grandpappy of vegan, ethical, fair-trade condoms. That's even without the funny ones: Oil Spill Condoms clean up the Gulf AND... you get the idea. L. International is making a big entrance with some well-polished, socially-transmitted marketing. Read More. | | Travel Site Of The Month Localharvest.org: Find a Local Farmer's Market Wherever You Travel. What's the difference between "fresh from storage" produce and food right off the farm? Everything.  There are almost two million farms in the USA. About 80% of those are small farms, and a large percentage are family owned. More and more of these farmers are now selling their products directly to the public. They do this via CSA programs, Farmers' Markets, Food Coops, u-picks, farm stands, and other direct marketing channels. Would you like to support your local farmer? Use Local Harvest's map to find a small farm near you! localharvest.org | | Not a Member of Better World Club? BWC's Member Discounts More Than Pay for a Membership! Our discounts can more than pay for your membership. BWC members save money through hotel, car rental, travel, or other discounts. Join Better World Club now and get in on the savings! Use this link and we'll even throw in a 10% discount on Better World membership. And Remember to Tell a friend about BWC! | | | | Have a comment, rant, or suggestion? Email us! | | | |
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