Last Week to Submit a Proposal to the Leadership Retreat | |
1 More Week to Save $100 on the 2014 Leadership Retreat
| Do you ever get the sense the best parts of conferences happen outside of the schedule? We sure do. The Alliance has always recognized that the best learning happens through peer connection. That's why our biennial retreat is devoted entirely to this kind of learning. To make sure that Alliance members have the opportunity to register to join us September 5 - 8, we've extended the Early Bird rate until June 6. Register now to reserve your spot » |
New Advocacy Advance resource: State funding sources for biking and walking |  Advocates, you've been asking for this resource - and Advocacy Advance is delivering. Biking and walking dollars don't just come from the feds! States have their own revenue sources that can be used to fund active transportation. To help advocates and decision-makers keep track of how states can finance biking and walking, the Advocacy Advance team has compiled an interactive tool that helps you find out what revenue sources can pay for biking and walking projects in your state. Bonus: see best practices for dedicated funding sources from state legislatures and sample advocacy campaign plans to win funding. See the funding sources that states use to pay for biking and walking » |
10 Reasons Open Streets Initiatives Rock | More and more cities are seeing the benefits of Open Streets. In 2007, there were less than 10 Open Streets initiatives around the United States. Now, there are over 100. But what's all the hype about, anyway? There are plenty of reasons to get excited about Open Streets. Here are ten reasons why Open Streets are awesome » |
Indianapolis Winning Campaigns Training Set for July | The Alliance's signature Winning Campaigns Training helps new and growing advocates plan, fund, and run campaigns to transform the transportation landscape in cities and states. This summer, we're going to Indianapolis. On July 25 - 27, the Alliance will hold a workshop with Bicycle Indiana on how to plan and win active transportation advocacy campaigns. Join us July 25 - 27 in Indianapolis » |
Walk Audits to Boost Safety and Promote Health | Walk audits are a great way to engage a community - everyone from local residents, agency staff, local elected officials, and businesses - to better identify barriers and opportunities to improve our built environment. On a recent Mutual Aid Webinar, advocates discussed how they have used walk audits to create safe walking environments to better connect to other modes of transportation and to improve a community's health. Missed the webinar? See notes and a recording here » |
In New Dangerous By Design Report, a Dot on a Map is More Than Just Pixels | Last week, Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition released its Dangerous By Design 2014 report. Our colleagues' analysis revealed a staggering statistic: 47,025 people died in the past 10 years as they were walking on United States roadways. The interactive map that accompanies the report is excellent, showing all pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. from 2003 to 2012. But the dots are far more than just pixels. They're people who walked. They're people who were killed because they were walking. See what Christy wrote after she found her friend's brother on the Dangerous By Design map » |
Congratulations to the Winners of the Ortlieb Showers & Snow Photo Contest | Congratulations to Todd Consentino and Chris Chaney, winners of the Ortlieb Showers & Snow photo contest by the Alliance for Biking & Walking and Streetsblog. We received over 100 photos of rainy, snowy biking and walking from dozens of photographers. Ten photos made it to the final round; of those, two were chosen by a popular vote. Check them out below! See the winning photos and the ten finalists » |
| Upcoming Webinars and Mutual Aid Calls
| Our Mutual Aid webinars and conference calls are great forums to gain insight from peers and colleagues on the most important issues in biking and walking advocacy today. -
- Tune in for a briefing on the latest developments in US federal transportation policy and legislation. This webinar is jointly presented by the League of American Bicyclists, the Alliance for Biking & Walking, and the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.
- More and more cities are seeing the benefits of Open Streets. In 2007, there were less than 10 Open Streets initiatives around the United States. Now, there are over 100. On this webinar, we'll hear from three organizers who have made Open Streets happen in their communities -- and talk about how you can organize an Open Streets initiative in your community.
- City officials and advocates are eager to build new separated bicycling facilities and other innovative projects, but it is a challenge to pay for them. This Advocacy Advance webinar will share examples of how real cities are paying for real projects, including local, state, and federal sources.
- A website redesign presents a huge opportunity - and many opportunities for pitfalls. On this webinar, we'll hear from several folks who have recently undergone website rebuilds to learn what you should and should NOT do when you're approaching a redesign.
| What would you like to discuss on a Mutual Aid Call or Webinar? Does your organization have expertise to share? Email Megan with your ideas! |
| | San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Hires Tyler Frisbee Tyler Frisbee, former Senior Legislative Assistant for super-bikey Representative Earl Blumenauer, is the new Policy Director with the SF Bicycle Coalition. Welcome, Tyler! More » Portland Weighing New Flat Fee for Transportation The PDX City Council is considering a flat monthly fee charged to households and businesses to pay for pavement maintenance and street improvements. In testimony, Rob Sadowsky of Oregon's Bicycle Transportation Alliance called the street fee "a layered solution that compliments the existing gas tax" but pushed for "a steep discount for low-income households to ensure that they do not bear a disproportionate impact from the costs." See BTA's full testimony » New Yorkers Urge Harsher Punishment for Drivers who Kill NYC prosecutors decided not to file charges against the cab driver who killed 9-year-old Cooper Stark, sparking outrage among advocates and concerned citizens. Transportation Alternatives is working on several policies that would increase the penalty for failing to yield to a pedestrian. More » New Data on Doorings in Chicago In 2011, the Active Transportation Alliance won a legislative victory by convincing the Illinois DOT to begin counting doorings as crashes and begin tracking them. The new data are now in, and they show that 1 out of 5 of Chicago's bicycle crashes occur when someone opens a car doors in the path of a person biking. Learn more » | Video: Rise of U.S. Protected BIke Lanes Since 2011, the mileage of protected bike lanes in the U.S. has doubled. In a new video, PeopleForBikes documents the rise of this stellar bike infrastructure - and what it means for communities. Watch » Dangerous By Design Released Smart Growth America's new report examines pedestrian deaths across the United States. The report ranks 51 major metro areas and the states on a Pedestrian Danger Index. The online report includes an interactive map of pedestrian fatalities from 2003 to 2012. See the report » KIND Pledges $10,000 to One Cause Each Month KIND will award a $10,000 grant to a new cause each month. Advocates can submit projects and causes for consideration. Learn more »
League Releases Bicycle Friendly America Rankings The League has released its rankings of states and communities by bicycle-friendliness. More » |
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