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From: "League of Illinois Bicyclists" <
Date: May 7, 2015 9:32 AM
Subject: Congrats to First Four Winners! Take BikeSafetyQuiz.com and Enter to Win $200!
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Take our Bike Safety Quiz and Enter to Win $200!
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Congratulations to Jeremy Limones of Ottawa, Maria M. of Chicago, Susan Hillabold of East Peoria, and Robert Hoskins of Danville on being the first 4 of 8 Spring Bicycle Safety Challenge winners! 4 more winners will be selected by May 15th! Brush up on your bike safety skills at BikeSafetyQuiz.com and you too could win $200 cash prize! | Can you rank the cyclists from highest to lowest visiblity? | "I'm a long-time cycling commuter, and even though I thought I knew all the rules, that quiz taught me a lot. I found the quiz informative; not only was it testing what I knew already, but it also explained what I didn't yet know. I'll be a better sharer of the roads now that I've taken that quiz." - Susan Hillabold "This quiz was a good refresher for me. I learned a few Illinois rules I did not know. As a driver and cyclist, I would recommend non-cyclists take this test. It would not only be a great learning experience, but also, the more people that are aware of cycling rules, the more safely we can all share the road." - Jeremy Limones Enter to win by joining the LIB mailing list at the end of the quiz. Open to all Illinois residents 18 years old and up. Drawings take place twice a year in the spring and fall, and entries are valid for a year.
Read more about our past winners and efforts to build awareness for bike safety at BikeLIB.org. Already entered? Forward this offer to a friend!
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| | | 2550 Cheshire Dr., Aurora, IL 60504
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League of Illinois Bicyclists is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving bicycling conditions in Illinois. We are the statewide advocate for all Illinois bicyclists, promoting bicycle access, education, and safety.
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