News from the North American coalition of state and local biking and walking advocacy organizations Email not displaying correctly? Click here.  News from the Alliance | 2014 Leadership Retreat Draws 125 Advocacy Leaders for Immersive Peer Learning  Last month, 125 leaders from state and local grassroots biking and walking advocacy organizations gathered at a conference center outside Pittsburgh for the 2014 Alliance Leadership Retreat. It was an amazing and educational meeting of the minds: advocates from both coasts and everywhere in between led, attended, and populated sessions on advancing active transportation in their states, provinces, and communities. The savvy, forward-looking leaders who make up our People Powered Movement brought their full enthusiasm and intelligence to learn from each other and map out the future of their – of our – work. Check out a recap of the weekend pulled from the #LR14 hashtag » See photos from the Retreat » | Federal Workers: Please Consider Giving to the Alliance in the Combined Federal Campaign  The Alliance for Biking & Walking would like to extend a very special thank you to all of the United States federal employees who support the advancement of biking and walking across the country. In this year's Combined Federal Campaign, please consider a gift to the Alliance. Your contribution will go towards improving active transportation at the grassroots level! If you have family or friends who work in the federal government, please consider passing along this message. The CFC code for the Alliance for Biking & Walking is 29255. | Announcing Advocacy Advance "Big Ideas" Grants  Over the past three years, the Alliance has worked with the League of American Bicyclists through the Advocacy Advance partnership to award grants to organizations that have won over $120 million in public investments for active transportation projects. This fall, Advocacy Advance introduces "Big Ideas" Grants. Modeled after the successful Rapid Response Grant program, Advocacy Advance will award $30,000 total – 3 grants of $10,000 each – to organizations that are pushing forward on some of the most important areas of bicycling and walking advocacy. Learn more about Advocacy Advance Big Ideas Grants » | Learn How to Win Better Biking & Walking at the Santa Barbara Winning Campaigns Training  Lots of people wish that their communities were more walkable and more bikeable, but relatively few people step up to change the transportation status quo. Are you taking the next step to advocate for biking and walking in your community? If so, you stand to benefit from an Alliance for Biking & Walking Winning Campaigns Training. On December 5 - 7 in Santa Barbara, CA, biking and walking advocates like you will dedicate a weekend to strategically planning out campaigns for better active transportation. With expert advice and coaching from veteran advocates, we'll help you develop your campaign from an idea to an action plan. Register for the final Winning Campaigns Training of the year, December 5 - 7 in Santa Barbara, CA » | Infographic: How Biking and Walking Advocacy Organizations Can Participate in Elections  Election season is in full swing. How can biking and walking advocacy organizations participate? Most are biking and walking advocacy organizations are 501(c)(3) nonprofits. Under (c)(3) legal designation, nonprofits can collect tax-deductible donations, but are legally barred from certain political activities. Some biking and walking advocacy organizations are 501(c)(4) organizations, which can't accept tax-deductible donations but are permitted a wider array of activities around elections and political persuasion. See our infographic to understand the similarities and differences between 501(c)(3) and (4) nonprofits around elections » | Who Bikes and Walks in the United States (and Why)?  Does everybody walk and bike, or are there differences in gender, income, age, and race? Using information from the 2014 Benchmarking Report, we looked at the data sources that give us clues about who travels by foot and by bike in the United States. See how walking and biking vary by age, gender, income, and race in the United States » | New Report: Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation  Last month, Advocacy Advance released its latest resource, "Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation." This concise primer answers basic questions about public-private partnerships (PPP, or P3) and how bicycling and walking can fit into these projects. P3s are becoming an attractive option, and they certainly offer great potential benefits for active transportation projects. But P3s have potential problems, too. See Advocacy Advance's new report, Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation » | Tackling Your End-of-Year Appeal  The end-of-year appeal is the most significant single effort most organizations make to raise money from individuals. It's also an unmatched opportunity for you to connect with your stakeholders and let them know about your achievements from the past year and goals for the coming year. The fall appeal can be a nightmare of procrastination, overwhelm and last-minute panic . . . or it can be your best chance to tell your story to your constituents. See leading advocates' advice for executing a successful end-of-year appeal » | Upcoming events  |  2 - 3 PM EDT  | Communicating After Tragedies and Unexpected Moments (Mutual Aid Webinar) How should biking and walking advocates communicate following a tragedy? On this webinar, you'll hear advice from leading advocates on crisis communications following a tragic event. We'll also cover rapid response methods to take advantage of non-tragic unexpected news. Register now » |  2 - 3 PM EDT  | MAP-21 2.0 (Advocacy Advance Webinar) The current federal transportation bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), expires on October 1, 2014. Join this webinar to learn about how MAP-21 was implemented for biking and walking, and what's next in the federal transportation landscape. Register now » |  2 - 3 PM EDT  | Multi-Lingual Resources (Mutual Aid Call) As bicycle and pedestrian organizations work to expand the reach and diversity of their impact, it is important to use accessible communication. Join this webinar to learn examples of how Alliance member organizations are creating multi-media resources for non-native English speakers. Register now » |  2 - 3 PM EDT  | Boosting Capacity with Temporary Staff (Mutual Aid Call) Combined, Alliance member organizations staff over 500 full-time employees. Groups at all levels are increasing their staff capacity with strong interns, fellows, volunteers, and contractors. Join this call to learn best practices before hiring temporary staff. Register now » |  2 - 3 PM EDT  | Health Funding (Advocacy Advance Webinar) Advocates and agency staff have traditionally focused on using transportation dollars for biking and walking, but there's another set of funds out there from health agencies focused on reducing chronic diseases and obesity. In this webinar, learn about funding opportunities available from health agencies, how federal health dollars applicable for biking and walking are administered, and steps for collaboration among transportation and health advocates and agency staff. Register now » |  2 - 3 PM EDT  | Winning Campaigns Training: Santa Barbara, CA On December 5 - 7 in Santa Barbara, CA, biking and walking advocates like you will dedicate a weekend to strategically planning out campaigns for better active transportation. With expert advice and coaching from veteran advocates, we'll help you develop your campaign from an idea to an action plan. Register now » | | News from our members  | - Executive Director positions are open at the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, Trailnet (St. Louis, MO), Bike Miami Valley (Dayton, OH), and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition.
- After a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette columnist penned a strongly worded article against bicycle infrastructure and bicycling, honest feedback from Pittsburghers who ride bikes prompted him to turn a complete 180°.
Read more from Bike Pittsburgh »
- The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition released a great new educational video about the top 10 rules of the road. Some of the laws are specific to California; many are applicable everywhere
Read more from the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition »
- Drawing inspiration from a recent piece in Mic, Buffalo advocates compiled supporters' #IBikeBecause photos.
Read more from Go Bike Buffalo »
- The Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin, a statewide organization, announces a bold new framework for local advocacy. The advocates plan to start by encouraging their members to form local bicycle advocacy groups, each led by a couple of dedicated individuals.
Read more from the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin »
- Transportation Alternatives is making a big push to fix dangerous arterial streets throughout the city, which make up just 15% of streets but see 50% of bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities.
Read more from Transportation Alternatives »
- Ridership tripled on Seattle's Second Avenue immediately following installation of a protected bike lane.
Read more from Cascade Bicycle Club »
- A new study in Chicago found that only 18% of drivers stopped for pedestrians in painted crosswalks.
Read more from the Active Transportation Alliance » | News from our partners  | - Attention, state and local bike advocates in the United States: a new tool makes it easier than ever before to engage PeopleForBikes' 850,000+ supporters on state and local issues.
Read more about the PeopleForBikes Local Engagement Portal »
- Registration is now open for the 14th annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, January 29 - 31 in Baltimore, MD.
Read more from the New Partners for Smart Growth »
- Congratulations to the 2014 APBP Annual Award winners! Special kudos to James Wilson, executive director of Alliance member organization Bike Delaware, to Adonia Lugo, equity initiative manager at the League of American Bicyclists, and to Jeff Olson, principal at Alta Planning and Design and longtime Alliance supporter.
Read more from the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals »
- A Pittsburgh-based nonprofit creates adaptive custom bicycles for children with disabilities -- so that everyone can enjoy Pennsylvania trails.
Read more from the Rails to Trails Conservancy »
- The League of American Bicyclists announced 150 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Businesses -- the largest group of awardees in the program's history.
Read more from the League of American Bicyclists »
- Bicycle barometers record passing riders and tally the numbers for everyone to see, giving people on bikes a boost of public acknowledgement and helping city policymakers make decisions that consider all those biking citizens.
Read more from PeopleForBikes »
- Win a free technical assistance workshop to help your community tackle local development challenges. Any unit or subdivision of local government, Indian tribe or regional government is eligible to apply; applications will be accepted through October 23.
Read more from Smart Growth America » | Sponsors  | |  If you would like to unsubscribe click here. © Alliance for Biking and Walking 2014 |
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