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From: "Tim Blumenthal, PeopleForBikes" <
Date: Oct 2, 2014 5:04 PM
Subject: Why we're uniting a million bicyclists
To: "Daniel Stafford" <
| | |  Dear Daniel, We launched PeopleForBikes in 2010 with the goal of uniting one million people for a better future for bicycling. In less than five years, more than 860,000 individuals—including you!—have added their names in support of this mission. In today's world, a billion has widely replaced a million as the key measure of size and power. But make no mistake: a million people working together can command real influence and create real change.  The change that PeopleForBikes is working for is better conditions for bike riders everywhere. We want every bike ride to be safe. We want every bike ride to be fun. We want every ride to conveniently start and finish near home or work. We believe that every rider—regardless of where they live or how they ride—wants these same basic things.  Our challenge is to clearly (and powerfully) convey this message to our neighbors, to the media, and to government officials. We need to show that better riding is something that lots of people want, and also that it benefits everyone. That's why we're focused on bringing one million people together under the PeopleForBikes banner, and we need your help. Click here to finish reading my message... | |
| | | | © 2014 PeopleForBikes. All rights reserved. P.O. Box 2359 / Boulder, CO 80306 | |

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